Alison aka Noni Richards

Writer, Filmmaker

About My Journey

I decided, when I was seven years old, that I would live to be 107. I’m well past the halfway mark (turning 65 in October) and I’m thrilled to imagine what the next decades will bring.

Having left behind a hectic life in north America, I don’t miss the rat race for a minute. My life is simple and uncomplicated. My diet is fresh and plant based. The concerns of the past have faded under the tropical sun. The stress of society blown away by monsoon winds. The dirt of industry washed away by warm rains and whisked by the waves out to sea.

I’m a minimalist extremist. I carry my belongings on my back and dive headfirst into the unknown. What is my purpose and goal in life? To live it to the fullest and share collected knowledge along the way.

From miracles to tragedies, my existence on this glorious planet has brought a plethora of knowledge and countless lessons. In short, I have been blessed to have wandered a path through a myriad of situations. I have witnessed both death and birth, have struggled to raise a family, travelled far and wide and met thousands along the way. I’ve sat in top level think tanks with world leaders and facilitated traditional Shamanic ceremonies in the Amazon Jungle. I’ve hosted live Television broadcasts and climbed to sacred temples on mountaintops in the Himalayas.

I have been traveling extensively the past several years. My passion for natural food and holistic medicines has brought me to unique locations to study and learn more.

As a media producer I’m eager to share my discoveries and I am presently enjoying time in Sri Lanka after an extended stint in India where I recorded my life story, cataloged files, edited transcripts and wrote about my past experiences.

Like the seed from a dandelion, we float through the space and time, searching for an appropriate place to plant ourselves. We sprout roots and begin our next cycle of growth. We flourish or struggle, but we eventually overcome any obstacles and a flower immerges.

I’ve been transported by the winds, transplanted by my own desires and have flourished under trying circumstances. If that means I am a weed, a nuisance, unwelcome or untidy, so be it. I can be pulled out savagely but will seek new turf and carry on. I contain a resilient spirit. I am a healer. I am invasive when needed and will float away when not required.
People can spray me with poisonous words or intentions, and I will wilt temporarily, but determination will bring me back to my former glory. I can be discarded into a pile of decaying compost, but that’s where my superpowers kick in. I will defy all attempts to irradicate me, and continue to pursue my vision stubbornly, in this unruly existence called life. This is a story of my passion to thrive and survive.

Past thru present:

Ales and Lager, Sitcom Pilot 1993
Goa Dept of Forestry, Conservation Film Series 2020/2021

I have been described by others as inventive, creative, resourceful and solution minded, able to withstand unreasonable deadlines, soothe unruly clients and avert potential disasters.

During my 14 years working in Los Angeles I founded and created the Film Co-Op, a hybrid of traditional studio and indie production houses. The focus was to build a network for indie crews to share talent, equipment and resources.

I’ve produced and directed award-winning documentaries, feature films, commercials, and music videos and am dedicated too writing, producing and directing, socially and globally responsible programming.

With a firm belief in the importance of education I share my expertise by teaching, mentoring, and as guest lecturer. (UCLA, USC, LA Film School, SAE Institute) During my travels I also spoke at local schools sharing my views on culture, environment, diversity and challenges that young students face today.

In 2009, I introduced the Middle East to Women in Film & Television (WIFT) by forming an international chapter in Dubai, UAE. I continue to support women who work in the industry. I strive to be a voice for those with no outlet, whether that be women, the indigenous or children.


Solution provider, budget and environmentally conscious, high-energy productivity, targeted and tailored projects. Team leader, project management and mentor to interns or junior associates.

CoCreator Circle Podcast
with Meenakshi Suri

  • Alison’s vision for a transformative healing and meditation garden
  • Lessons learned from shamans and farming practices across continents
  • The impact of nature disconnect on mental and physical health
  • Practical tips for integrating natural healing into daily life

Most recent projects include:

Ally's Thali, India 2019/2020

I travelled through India with a cameraman. We recorded 30 chapters (or stories) of a video book, in unique locations across the country. I spoke directly to camera, in postcard styled landscapes. From the tea gardens in Darjeeling, to the desert forts in Rajasthan, to the mystical Ghats in Varanasi, with each locale contributing to the theme and mood of the story being presented. India became more than a location; it became a character lending context to my dialogues. Mother India inspired each dictation. (Note: some of the recorded material is sensitive in nature, being based on investigative research done in North and South America, Asia and the Middle East.)
In January 2020, I was invited to participate at a bird festival in Goa. They wanted to film me as a foreigner in a promotional film for conservation and promotion of the state’s wildlife reserves. I acted in the shoot, wrote the narration, and recorded a voice-over. When the completed video was presented to the forestry minister, he asked for 6 more short films. During the covid lockdowns I assisted the director of the films for the Foresty Department in Goa. I spent the next 14 months volunteering with the production crew. While most people were stuck inside, I was exploring the conservation sanctuaries and capturing the nature. What an amazing gift!

Most recently, I completed the task of creating an 8-episode (first season), of a dark comedy set in Goa, India. It was an incredible challenge because I was commissioned to write for a culture and community much different than my own. I embraced the traditions and diversity of the country then immersed myself in popular lineups on Netflix and Prime to understand which programs the market was consuming, and why? How far could I push the drama? Will this be funny to Sikhs, Hindus and Muslims? What are the limits on graphic violence or sex? It was a whirlwind ride over a period of 5 months. I’m proud of my accomplishment and excited to see it come to life on screen.
Currently, I am continuing to develop a slate of projects, mentoring some young filmmakers and writers, and writing my memoir. I have enough stories for a trilogy but have narrowed things down to the most compelling, sensational or ridiculous tales. One book is a daunting task as it is.
If you’re interested in the upcoming book, or following my ongoing adventures, subscribe to my mailing list so I can keep you posted.